venerdì 30 ottobre 2009

HIRH Princess Yasmin von Hohenstaufen

Avril de Saint Genis(nome arcano degli Hohenstaufen e dei Plantagenet congiunti) capostipite degli Hohenstaufen o Wriblinghen , Staufer (dinastia di Venere o Freya, Fruher Aphros Aprile o Veib donna o April ,Avril, Aubri)

Plantagenet Ancestry

Dynasty Avril ou Aubri(Ginestra:Gene Istar o Venere Aphros Avril April Gene d'Avril ou Aubri ou Plantagenet)


Generation One
Geoffrey "Ferole",(di Fer o Frius Venere Avril Aubri) Count of the Gâtinais and Château Laudon
circa 1000
Geoffrey married Beatrice de Mâcon, daughter of Aubri Count of Mâcon and Burgundy and they had a son:

Aubri or Avril Geoffrey

Generation Two
Aubri Geoffrey, Count of the Gâtinais and Château Laudon
Died on April 11, 1046

Aubri Geoffrey married Ermengarde, heiress of Anjou who was born circa 1010/1015 and died on March 21, 1076. Ermengard was the sister of Geoffrey "Martel", Count of Anjou who was born on October 14, 996 and d.s.p. (decessit sine prole, died without issue) on November 14, 1066. Thus, Ermengard's descendants became the Counts of Anjou.

Aubri Geoffrey and Ermengard had the following children:

Hildegard who was born circa 1032 and married Joscelin, Sire di Courtenay
Fulk IV "le Rechin"

Generation Three
Fulk IV "le Rechin", Count of Anjou
Born in 1043
Died on April 14, 1109

Fulk is noted as "chronicler of the Counts of Anjou", so presumably he began a family history. He is known as "Fulk le Rechin" which means "Fulk the Rude". The reason for this name is unclear.

Fulk married Bertrada de Montfort, daughter of Simon I, Seigneur of Montfort Amauri and they had a son:

Fulk V "le Jeun"

Generation Four
Fulk V "le Jeun", Count of Anjou and Maine, King of Jerusalem
Born in 1092
Died on November 10, 1143

Fulk "le Jeun" (the Younger) became King of Jerusalem in 1131 on the death of Baldwin II, his father-in-law by his second marriage. Fulk is buried in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem.

The Crusades
left: A depiction of the siege of Jerusalem during the First Crusade, where many thousands of the Jewish and Arab inhabitants were killed.
below: Krak de Chevaliers, a Crusader fortress.

The Crusaders set up the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem after killing many thousands of the Arab and Jewish inhabitants of the area. At its greatest extent under Fulk "le Jeun", the Kingdom comprised most of present day Israel and part of Syria. Muslim counterattack steadily shrank the size of the crusading kingdom. In 1187, Jerusalem was retaken by by Saladin. Eventually, the last Christian stronghold at Acre surrendered in 1291 and the Crusaders departed from the Holy Land.

Fulk married first circa 1108 to Erembourge (died in 1126), heiress of Maine, daughter of Helias, Seigneur de la Flèche, Count of Maine.

Fulk and Erembourge had the following children:

Geoffrey Plantagenet
Isabella or Mathilda who married William the Aetheling, Duke of Normandy who was the only legitimate son of King Henry Beauclerc of England. William drowned when the White Ship was wrecked on the deadly rock. A boat was launched and William was rowed to safety. The cries of his half-sister Maud, Countess of Perche, induced him to return to the wreck where they sank together. This was considered by some to be punishment for Henry's sins of lust in having so many illegitimate offspring. He had four legitemate children and at least twenty-five illegitimate children.
Fulk "le Jeun" married second on June 2, 1129 to Mélesinde, daughter of Baldwin II, King of Jerusalem. On the death of Baldwin II in 1131, Fulk "le Jeun" became King of Jerusalem.

Generation Five
Geoffrey "the Fair" Plantagenet, Count of Anjou and Maine, Duke of Normandy.

Geoffrey "the Fair", meaning "the Handsome" was the first to use the Plantagenet name. One story relates that his father, Fulk the Younger atoned for some evil deed by being scourged with broom twigs or planta genista before the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem. Another story relates that Geoffrey wore a sprig of broom or planta genista in his hat. Regardless, it is generally agreed upon that the family name of "Plantagenet" has its origins with the planta genista or broom plant.

Born on August 24, 1113
Died on September 7, 1151 and interred at St. Julian's Church, Le Mans, Anjou.

The arms of Plantagenet are described by Richard Thomson: "Ancient Arms of Anjou borne by the Plantagenets, who were Earls of that place, of which family King John was descended. Gules, a chief argent over all an escarbuncle, or." Note that:
(1) Shields were sometimes strengthened with iron bands radiating from the centre which eventually became a part of the coat of arms under the term escarbuncle, and;
(2) Geoffrey "the Fair" Plantagenet pictured above doesn't appear to be carrying these arms.

Geoffrey married on May 22, 1127 to Matilda of England who was born in 1104 and died on September 10, 1167. Matilda was the only surviving legitimate child of King Henry I of England. After the death of Henry I in 1135, Geoffrey laid claim to Normandy through his wife Matilda. Meanwhile, Matilda attempted the conquest of England from her cousin King Stephen who had gained the crown. Geoffrey did not accompany her, being still engaged in the conquest of Normandy, which he completed in 1144. In 1147 he undertook a crusade with King Louis VII of France. In 1150, Geoffrey and Matilda ceded Normandy to their son Henry (later King Henry II of England), who founded the English Angevin dynasty. Click on Matilda for her ancestry.

Geoffrey and Mathilda had the following sons:

Henry II Curtmantle, King of England, born March 5, 1132/33. Click Here for this line.
Geoffrey VI, Count of Nantes and Anjou, born June 1, 1134 and d.s.p July 26, 1158
William Longespée (also William Fitz Empress), Vicomte of Dieppe, born July 21, 1136 and died January 30, 1163/64. (not to be confused with his nephew William Longespée, named in the Magna Charta)
(Douglas Richardson, Plantagenet Ancestry, Baltimore, 2004, p. 2 & 3)
Geoffrey was associated with an unknown girlfriend, said by Brian C. Tompsett to be named "Adelaide of Angers". Geoffrey and his girlfriend had a son:
Hamelin Plantagenet
Geoffrey also had two daughters, but the mother is not known:
Emma (or Emme) Plantagenet who married Dafydd Ab Owain, Prince of North Wales
Mary, Abbess of Shaftesbury
Generation Six
Hamelin Plantagenet de Warenne, Earl of Surrey
Born circa 1129
Died on May 7, 1202
Hamelin married Isabel de Warenne, daughter of William de Warenne, 3rd Earl of Surrey who died on January 19, 1148 while on the Second Crusade in the Holy Land. Please Click Here for Isabel's ancestry.
Hamelin Plantagenet adopted the name of Warenne or Warren and became the Earl of Surrey.

Hamelin and Isabel had the following children:

William de Warren, Earl of Warren and Surrey who is named in the Magna Charta as an advisor of King John. The Arms of William de Warren, also called William Plantagenet, are described by Richard Thomson as "Checquée or and azure" and are pictured to the right.
Ela Plantagenet who married William Fitz William of Sprotborough, Yorkshire.
Isabel Plantagenet who married 1st Robert de Lacy who died in 1193 with no issue and 2nd Gilbert de L'Aigle who died in 1234.
Maud Plantagenet who married Henry, 6th Count of Eu, Baron of Hastings, Sussex.
(daughter) de Warenne who "had an affair" of King John.

Under The Auspices of Lancaster Plantagenet House

Under The Auspices of Lancaster Plantagenet House



Sabato 31 Ottobre h 21.00
presso il Teatro Rebis - B.go Peranzoni, 113 Macerata

“Da Venerdì a Domenico: il viaggio di Robinson Crusoe”

Di e con Lorenzo Pennacchietti

Regia Andrea Fazzini

A seguire: conversazione con l’antropologa Barbara Sorgoni sui temi della colonizzazione e dell’integrazione


È consigliata la prenotazione



Come scrive Joyce, Robinson è il primo vero personaggio inglese della letteratura inglese. Con Robinson Crusoe non nasce solo il romanzo inglese, ma un personaggio che diventerà metafora dell’epoca moderna e contemporanea. Robinson non è solo un personaggio, è una mentalità – una cultura – un modo di fare – un’ideologia. Robinson è la conquista del nuovo mondo e la distruzione della sua popolazione – Robinson è la tratta degli schiavi - non a caso, Robinson naufraga mentre sta andando a comprare schiavi in Africa - il colonialismo, l’imperialismo - inglese prima e americano poi – il capitalismo più estremo ed arrogante, Robinson è lo sfruttamento dell’immigrazione, delle miniere del terzo mondo, è l’esportazione dei rifiuti tossici e radioattivi in Africa…

Quando R incontra Venerdì, per prima cosa gli insegna a dire “padrone”, spiegandogli che quello è il suo nome. Così si faceva a quel tempo. Era normale. L’altro era qualcosa di funzionale al nostro profitto.

“Per quanto questo traffico di creature umane possa apparire barbaro, inumano e contro natura, pure i mercanti hanno argomenti a loro favore. In primo luogo, il beneficio del traffico. In poche parole, da questo traffico derivano profitti che superano di gran lunga tutti gli inconvenienti, siano essi reali o presunti” (Temple Lutrell – parlamentare inglese, XVIII secolo).

Robinson è razzismo, ma, soprattutto, Robinson è ottusità. Stupidità. Essere ottuso significa essere chiuso. Robinson è completamente chiuso alla vita, arriva su un’isola dei Caraibi e si comporta come se stesse in Inghilterra, vuole vivere allo stesso modo, mangiare allo stesso modo, vestire allo stesso modo. Robinson non ascolta e non vede. Non si relaziona con i luoghi né con gli esseri che incontra, ma impone il suo modo di fare senza riflessione, senza critica, senza pensiero.

Chiusura, ottusità, convinzione della propria giustezza, tutto questo costituisce le solide basi del razzismo, ma non solo…

Ottusità ed obbedienza cieca ai valori culturali imposti. Robinson è anche la stupidità del soldato che spara sui civili perché gli viene ordinato.

Criticare Robinson, cioè, agire criticamente attorno al suo personaggio, al suo autore, alla sua epoca, alle sue riscritture, al suo mito, significa rimettersi e rimettere in discussione in una continua e necessaria lotta contro l’ottusità .

“Ogni atto di violenza è una mancanza di ragionamento” (Balzac).

In Da Venerdì a Domenico: il viaggio di Robinson Crusoe, la storia di Robinson ad un certo punto si interrompe e segue tre ipotesi diverse per il finale, disegnando infine un unico scenario possibile per una convivenza pacifica sulla nostra isola.

Lo spettacolo divaga, ritorna nella narrazione, ne esce di nuovo per dar spazio ai monologhi dei personaggi…Robinson viene attraversato tramite le sue riscritture (Defoe, Giroudoux , Tournier, Golding), con un linguaggio diretto che gioca con la narrazione, l’ironia, il cinismo, la satira, la letteratura, la storia, l’attualità e il futuro.

Di e con Lorenzo Pennacchietti

Regia di Andrea Fazzini

Saremo lieti di avervi con noi.


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mercoledì 28 ottobre 2009

Hohenstaufen Dynasty

Friedrich von Hohenstaufen, Gf von Sundergau 1003; he had issue:
A1. Friedrich von Büren, +ca 1055/68/94; 1047 Hildegarde von Hohenstaufen (+ca 1094)
B1. Friedrich I von Staufen, Duke of Swabia (1079-1105), *ca 1050, +21.7.1105; m.Regensburg 1089 Agnes of Germany (*ca 1074 +24.9.1143)
C1. Friedrich II, Duke of Swabia (1105-47), *ca 1090, +Alzey 1147; 1m: ca 1121 Judith Welf (*ca 1100 +ca 1132); 2m: ca 1135 Agnes of Saarbrücken (+after 1147)
D1. [1m.] Friedrich III Barbarossa, Duke of Swabia (1147-52), King of Italy (1154-86), King of Germany (1152-90) =as Friedrich I, Emperor from 18.6.1155, cr in Rome, Comte de Bourgogne (1156-90), King of Bourgogne 1178, *1122, +drown in Göks River 10.6.1190; 1m: ca 1147 (div 1153) Adéle von Vohbourg (*1122 +1190), dau.of Diepold III, Mgve of Vohbourg; 2m: Wurzburg 10.6.1156 Béatrice I de Bourgogne (*ca 1145 +1184); all kids by 2m.
E1. Friedrich V, Duke of Swabia (ca 1168-70), *Pavia 1164, +1168/70
E2. Heinrich VI, King of Germany (1190-97), cr 1169, King of Italy (1194-97), cr 1186, King of Sicily (1194-97), *Nijmegen 1165, +Messina 28.9.1197; m.Milan 1186 Constance de Hauteville (*1154 +1198)
F1. Friedrich II Roger, King of Germany (1197-1250), King Two Sicilies (1198-1250), Duke of Swabia (1212-16) =Friedrich IV, Emperor from 1220, cr in Roma, *Iesi 26.12.1194, +Castel Fiorentino 13.12.1250; 1m: Messina 1209 Constance d'Aragon (*1179 +Catania 1222); 2m: Brindisi 1225 Isabelle II de Brienne, Queen of Jerusalem (*1211 +Andria 1228); 3m: Worms 20.7.1235 Isabelle Plantagenet (*1214 +1.12.1241)
G1. [1m.] Heinrich VII, Duke of Swabia (1216-35), *1211, +Apulia 12.2.1242/Martorano 1248; m.Nürnberg 1225 Margarethe von Babenberg (+Burg Krummau 2.10.1267)
H1. Heinrich, +1242/45
H2. Friedrich, +1251
G2. [2m.] Konrad IV, Duke of Swabia (1235-54), King of Two Sicilies (1250-54), King of Germany (1250-54), *Andria 25.4.1228, +nr Lavello, Italy 21.5.1254; m.Vohburg 1.9.1246 Elisabeth von Wittelsbach (*1227 +9.10.1273)
H1. Konrad V (=Konradin), Duke of Swabia (1254-68), King of Sicily (1254-58), *Burg Wolfstein 1252, +beheaded Neapol 29.10.1268; m.Sophie von Landsberg (+1318)
H2. [illegitimate] Konradin, +hanged Lucera 1269; m.NN
I1. Attilda; m.Pietro Luca di Perrigrino
G3. [3m.] Heinrich, Stattholder of Sicily, *1238, +1253/54
G4. [3m.] Friedrich, *1240 +1286 Saint Genis Avril von Buren Anjou
G5. [3m.] a child, *Foggia shortly after 1.12.1241
G6. [3m.] Margareta, *I.1237, +Frankfurt 8.8.1270; m.1254 Pfgf Albrecht "Degener" von Sachsen (*1240 +13.11.1314)
G7. [illegitimate by Bianca Lancia] Manfredo, King of Two Sicilies (1254-66) -cr 10.8.1258, Duke of Benevento and Napoli, legitimized 1233/34, *1232, +k.a.Benevento 26.2.1266; 1m: (Vercelli) 1248 Beatrice de Savoie (+1257); 2m: Trani before II.1258 Helene Angelina (*ca 1242, +prison Lucera I.-III.1271)
H1. [2m.] Federico of Sicily, *1259-61, +(in Egypt ?) after 2.6.1312
H2. [2m.] Enrico of Sicily, *1260-64, +31.10.1318
H3. [2m.] Enzio of Sicily, *1261-65, +by 1301
H4. [1m.] Queen Constanza II of Aragon, *1248, +Barcelona 1302 as a nun; m.Montpellier 13.6.1262 Pedro III d'Aragon (*1239 +10.11.1285)
H5. [2m.] Flordelis, *1266/67, +in Aragon after 27.2.1297
H6. [2m.] Beatrice, *1258-61, +before 1307; 1m: autumn 1284 Rainer Gherardesca (*ca 1260/65 +1325); 2m: 1287 Marchese Manfredo IV di Saluzzo (*1258/59, +16.9.1340)
H7. [illegitimate] Beatrice, fl 1284; m.Ranieri della Gherardesca Cte di Donoratico (+1325)
G8. [illegitimate by Bianca Lancia] Constanza di Svevia, *1230/32, +Valencia 1307; m.1244 Joannes III Doukas Vatatzés, Emperor of Byzanzium (*1193 +1254)
G9. [illegitimate by Bianca Lancia] Violante, *before 1233, +after VIII.1264; m.1245/46 Cte Ricardo di Caserta
G10. [natural by Adelheid N] Enzio (=Heinz), King of Sardinia (1237-49/72), *1216-20, +in jail, Bologna 14.3.1272, bur S.Domenico, Bologna, arrested (1249-72), legitimized VII.1239; 1m: Sardinia X.1239 (div 1246) Adelaisia de Torre-Galura (*before 1207 +1255); 2m: 1247/48 N (*ca 1230/30 +after 1251), a dau.of Enrico di Enne, Podesta of Verona
H1. [illegitimate] Enrico di Torre, +after 10.5.1305
H2. [2m.] Adelaide, *1249/50, +after 1301, bur Kloster Alpirsbach; 1m: ca 1270 NN; 2m: after 1280 Reinald Gf von Urslingen (*ca 1259-62 +17.12.1299-I.1300/01)
H3. [illegitimate] Maddalena di Torre, +after 7.3.1272
H4. [illegitimate] Constanza di Torre, +after 7.3.1272
H5. [illegitimate by Frasca N] Elena di Torre, Cssa di Donoratico, *ca 1239, +after 7.3.1272; m.1265-69 Guelfo II della Gherardesca Cte di Donoratico (*Pisa ca 1240, +Sardinia 12.7.1293-1295)
G11. [natural by Maria/Mathilde N] Federico, Pr of Antioch, General Vicar of Ancona 1244, Podesta of Florence and General Vicar of Toscana II.1246, Ct of Alba 1247, Ct of Celano and Loreto 1252, *1221/22, +Foggia 1256; m.Roma before 1239 Margherita de Poli (*Roma ca 1220 +1246/49), dau.of Giovanni de Poli, Senator of Rome
H1. Corrado de Antiocha, Conte di Loreto 1285, Conte di Alba, Celano, Laureto e Abruzzo 1267, *1240/41, +after 1301; m.before 8.7.1258 Beatrice Lancia (*1240/42 +after 1268)
I1. Federico, *ca 1259, +Palermo 22.7.1305; 1280 NN
J1. Corrado, *ca 1280, +after 1320; m.NN
I2. Bartolomeo, Archbishop of Palermo (1305-11), *ca 1260/65, +Palermo 1311
I3. Francesco, Archbishop of Palermo (1311-20), *ca 1265/70, +Palermo 1320
I4. Corrado, +after 1300
I5. Costanza, *1270/75, +Verona after 7.3.1304; m.Verona 30.9.1291 Bartolomeo I della Scala, lord of Verona (*before 1273, +Verona 7.3.1304)
I6. Imperatrice, +Verona after 1307/10; m.Verona 1295/1300 Federico della Scala sn di Valpolicella (*Verona ca 1275, +Trento 1349)
I7. Giovanna, +Verona 29.12.1352; m.Verona 1308 Cangrande I della Scala, lord of Verona (*Verona 1280/9.3.1291, +Verona 22.7.1329, bur St.Maria Antica, Verona)
I8. Eleonore; m Baron Vassallo de Vassallo di Bavuso
H2. Filippa, *ca 1242, +before 27.10.1273; m.1258 Marchese Manfredo II Maletta (*1230/35 +after 1282)
H3. Maria, *ca 1240, +after 1275; m.1255/56 Barnabo Malaspina (*ca 1230 +1265)
H4. a child, +1265
G12. [illegitimate] Gerardo, +by 1255
G13. [illegitimate] Selvaggia, +1244; m.Verona 1238 Ezzelino di Romano, Podesta of Verona
G14. [illegitimate] Margherita de Suevia, +1297/98; m.1247 Tomasso d'Aquino, Cte d'Acerra (+1273)
G15. [illegitimate] Caterina da Marano, +after 1272; 1m: NN; 2m: 1247 Marchese Giacomo di Carreto Marchese di Savona (*1220 +21.10.1268)
G16. [illegitimate] Blanceflor, +Montargis 1279
G17. [illegitimate] Riccardo Cte di Chieti, +1249
G18. [illegitimate] Federico di Pettorano, he fled with his wife and children to Spain
E3. Duke Friedrich VI of Swabia (1169-91), *1167, +Akka 20.3.1191; m.1189 N, a dau.of Bela, King of Hungary
E4. Otton I Comte Palatin de Bourgogne (1190-1200), *1167/71, +murdered at Besancon 13.1.1200, bur there; m.1190 Marguerite de Blois (*ca 1170 +12.7.1230)
F1. Jeanne I, Comtesse Palatine de Bourgogne (1200-05), *ca 1191, +1205
F2. Beatrix II, Comtesse Palatine de Bourgogne (1205-31), *1192, +7.5.1231, bur Kloster Langheim; m.Bamberg 21.6.1208 Otto I von Andechs (*ca 1171/84 +7.5.1234)
F3. [illegitimate] Hugo, fl 1203
E5. Konrad, Duke of Rothenburg (1188-91), Duke of Swabia (1191-96), *ca 1173, +murdered Durlach 15.8.1196; m.1188 Queen Berenguela I of Castile (*1180 +1246)
E6. Philip, Bgf of Würzburg 1191, Mkgf of Tuscany (1195-1208), Duke of Swabia (1196-1208), King of Germany (1198-1208), *ca 1177, +murdered Bamberg 21.6.1208; m.1194/25.5.1197 !brig! Irene Angela of Byzantium (*1172 +27.8.1208)
F1. Reinald, +young
F2. Friedrich, *1206, +young
F3. Beatrix, *1198, +Nordhausen 11.8.1212; m.2.7.1212 Otto IV Welf (*ca 1175/82 +19.5.1218)
F4. Kunigunde, *ca 1200, +13.9.1248; m.1224 King Wenzel I of Bohemia (*1205 +23.9.1253)
F5. Marie, *1201, +Louvain 1235; m.before 22.8.1215 Duke Henri II de Brabant (*1207 +1.2.1248)
F6. Elisabeth, *ca 1203, +Toro 5/30.11.1235; m.Burgos 30.11.1219 King Fernando III of Castile (*VIII.1201 +Sevilla 30.5.1252)
F7. Beatrix, *and +1208
E7. Beatrix, *by 1156, +1181; 1173 Guillaume IV de Chalon (*ca 1120 +3.1.1202)
E8. Sofie, +ca 1187; m.1187 Guillaume VI de Montfort (+1225)
E9. Agnes, *1180, +1184
D2. [2m.] Konrad, Pfgf bei Rhein (1156-95), *1134-36, +26.7./8.11.1195, bur Cistercian Kloster Schönau nr Heidelberg; 1m: Würzburg VI.1156 Elisabeth von Stahleck (+ca 1159/60); 2m: ca 1161 Irmgard von Henneberg (*1146/47 +15.7.1197, bur Schönau), dau.of Ct Berthold I von Henneberg by Bertha von Putelendorf
E1. [1m.] Gottfried, *ca 1157/59, +1187/88, bur Schönau; m.1185/86 Agnes N
F1. Friedrich von Staufen
E2. [2m.] Friedrich, +by 1189
E3. [2m.] Konrad, +ca 1186
E4. [2m.] Agnes, *1176, +Stade 9.5.1204, bur St-Blasien, Stade; m.Burg Stahleck (5.11.) 1193 Heinrich I Welf (*ca 1173 +28.4.1227)
D3. [1m.] Bertha, *ca 1123, +ca 1195; 1138 Mathieu I of Upper Lorraine (*ca 1110 +1176)
D4. [2m.] Judith, *1135, +7.7.1191; m.1150 Ludwig II of Thuringia (*ca 1128, +14.10.1172)
C2. Konrad III, King of Germany (1138-52), *ca 1093, +Bamberg 15.2.1152; 1m: ca 1115 Gertrud von Komburg (+1130/31); 2m: 1136 Gertrude von Sulzbach (+14.4.1146)
D1. Heinrich-Berengar, *1137, +1150
D2. Duke Friedrich IV of Swabia (1152-67), *1145, +1167; m.1166 Gertrud Welf (+1196)
D3. [1m.] a daughter, +1151; m.Great Pr Izyaslav II of Kiev (*1096 +13.11.1154)
D4. [1m.] Bertha
D5. [1m.] Gertrud
D6. [illegitimate by Gerberge N] Leopold
D7. [illegitimate by Gerberge N] Konstantin von Lochgarten
D8. [illegitimate by Gerberge N] Giselbert von Hotingen
E1. Petrissa, +1160/65; m.Adeldegen
D9. [illegitimate by Gerberge N] Sophia, +after 1135/40; m.Konrad von Pfitzingen
D10. [illegitimate by Gerberge N] Ludmilla von Vellberg
C3. Gertrude, *ca 1104, +ca 1191; 1127 Hermann von Stahleck, Pfgf of Lorraine (+ca 1156)
C4. Richilde, *ca 1100; m.Cte Hugues de Roucy (*ca 1090 +ca 1160)
C5. Heilika; m.Friedrich von Lengenfeld
C6. Bertrada; m.Gf Adalbert N
C7. Hildegardis
C8. Giselhildis
C9. Heinrich, +by 1102
C10. Beatrix
C11. Kunigunde; Hg Heinrich N
C12. Sophia; m.Gf Adalbert N
B2. Otto von Büren, Bp of Strassburg, *ca 1050, +1100
B3. Ludwig von Büren, Pfgf von Schwaben, *ca 1055, +1095/97/1103
B4. Walther, fl 1094
B5. Konrad, fl 1094
B6. Adelheid, fl 1094
A2. Adelheid; m.Mangold, Pfgf von Schwaben

Rulers of Swabia

Last updated 19th March 2004

HIRH Princess Yasmin von Hohenstaufen

Hohenstaufen Dynasty

HIRH Princess Yasmin von Hohenstaufen

L'enciclopedia Britannica presenta il DVD della Hohenstaufen Dynasty:e' princess Yasmin l'ultima sveva! 14 aprile 2009 copryright © 1994-2002 Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc. Sources Encylopedia Britannica 2002, Expanded ion DVD The Hohenstaufen were a dynasty of Kings of Germany, many of whom were also crowned Holy Roman Emperor and Dukes of Swabia.

The proper name, taken from their castle in Swabia, is Staufen. When the last member of the Salian dynasty, Henry V, Holy Roman Emperor, died without an heir there was controversy about the succession. Frederick and Conrad, the two current male Staufens, were grandsons of Henry III, Holy Roman Emperor and nephews of Henry V. After the death of the intervening king and emperor Lothar III of Supplinburg, in 1137, Conrad became Conrad III of Germany. Contents 1 Members of the Hohenstaufen family 1.1 Holy Roman Emperors and Kings of Germany 1.2 Dukes of Swabi Members of the Hohenstaufen family Holy Roman Emperors and Kings of Germany Conrad III, king 1138-1152 Frederick I Barbarossa, king 1152-1190, Emperor after 1155 Henry VI, king 1190-1197, Emperor after 1191 Philip of Swabia, king 1198-1208 Frederick II, king 1208-1250, Emperor after 1220 Henry (VII), king 1220 - 1235 (under his father) Conrad IV, king 1237-1254 (under his father) The last ruling Hohenstaufen, Conrad IV, was never crowned emperor.

After a 20 year period the first Habsburg was elected king. Dukes of Swabia Note: Some of the following dukes are already listed above as German Kings Frederick I, Duke of Swabia (Friedrich) (r. 1079 - 1105) Frederick II, Duke of Swabia (r. 1105 - 1147) Frederick I, Holy Roman Emperor (Frederick III of Swabia)(r. 1147 - 1152) King in 1152 and Holy Roman Emperor in 1155 Frederick IV, Duke of Swabia (r. 1152 - 1167) Frederick V, Duke of Swabia (r. 1167 - 1170) Frederick VI, Duke of Swabia (r. 1170 - 1191) Conrad II, Duke of Swabia (r. 1191 - 1196) Philip of Swabia (r. 1196 - 1208) King in 1198 Frederick II, Holy Roman Emperor (r.

1212 - 1216) King in 1212 and Holy Roman Emperor in 1220 Henry (VII) of Germany (r. 1216 - 1235), King 1220 - 1235 Conrad IV (r. 1235 - 1254) King in 1237 Conrad V (Conradin) (r. 1254 - 1268) See also: Dukes of Swabia family tree See also List of monarchs of Naples and Sicily. Hohenstaufen kings ruled in Sicily from 1194 till Manfred of Sicily was killed in the Battle of Benevento in 1266. During the Third Reich, the Waffen-SS named an SS Panzer division Hohenstaufen in honour of this family. also called Staufer Dynasty, German dynasty that ruled the Holy Roman Empire from 1138 to 1208 and from 1212 to 1254.

The founder of the line was the count Friedrich (died 1105), who built Staufen Castle in the Swabian Jura Mountains and was rewarded for his fidelity to Emperor Heinrich IV. (1050-1106) by being appointed duke of Swabia as Friedrich I in 1079. He later married Heinrich's daughter Agnes. His two sons, Friedrich II, duke of Swabia, and Konrad, were the heirs of their uncle, Emperor Heinrich V. (1086-1125), who died childless in 1125. After the interim reign of the Saxon Lothair III. (1075-1137), Konrad became German king and Holy Roman emperor as Konrad III. (1093-1152) in 1138. Subsequent Hohenstaufen rulers were Friedrich I.

Barbarossa (1123-1190) (Holy Roman emperor 1155?90), Heinrich VI. (1165-1197) (Holy Roman emperor 1191?97), Philip of Swabia (king 1198? 1208), Friedrich II. (1194-1250) (king, 1212?50, emperor 1220?50), and Conrad IV (king 1237?54). The Hohenstaufen, especially Friedrich I and Friedrich II, continued the struggle with the papacy that began under their Salian predecessors, and were active in Italian affairs. The Last Empress of imperial dynasty Avril von Hohenstaufen Burey Anjou Plantagenet is H.I.R.H. Princess Yasmine Aprile von Hohenstaufen Puoti von Comneno Canmore(1946 Chateau Princes Puoti Palais Puoti- Villa di Briano) Copyright © 1994-2002 Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc. Sources Encylopedia Britannica 2002, Expanded ion DVD